CNSA 19th Annual Congress |12-14 May 2016 | Cairns Convention Centre | Bridging the gap - Distance, Culture, Workforce and Knowledge
Saturday 14 May, 7.45am - 8.45am.
A light breakfast will be provided
The National Executive Committee invites all members to attend this Members Forum to contribute to an important discussion to guide the future of our society.

The NEC has commissioned a project to undertake an extensive Constitution and company structure review and would like to take the opportunity for member engagement at Congress. A key discussion paper developed by the Constitution Review Steering Committee and the NEC will be presented for member comment and feedback.  The Constitution Review Steering Committee and the NEC are excited to be bringing this to the membership to hear your views so as to ensure a strong contemporary governance structure for the future of the CNSA. 

*Note:  This is for CNSA members only